I had a new business appointment with a former client I hadn’t seen in more than 10 years. He said to take the elevator to his floor and call him when I got there. So I did, only he didn’t answer. I tried to follow the instructions at the lobby desk prompting me to dial different numbers for help getting in, but the system was down. Hmm. I had arrived early but was now concerned about running late When I peered through the door and saw my client walking down the hall. So I waved. He waved back and rushed my way to open the door.
“Hi, he said. It’s nice to see you”. “Same to you” I answered back. Then I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. Following him through the door and down the long hallway, we chatted a bit on the way to his office. Then we stopped. He looked at me. I took a closer look at him. Suddenly he said “how do I know you?” That was when I realized I didn’t know him at all. I had just hugged a total stranger who I thought I knew because he looked like a guy with hair I remembered from 10 years ago. [Read more…] about Making small talk reap big benefits