We’ve all been there, too many times. The world is coming to an end on all the news stations. Last winter, it was three to six inches of snow forecast for the Delaware Valley. NBC 10 tells viewers it’s ‘committed to seeing you through the storm.’ The KYW storm center begins providing updates eight times an hour. As for Action News, accu-panic sets in at the mere mention of nasty weather.
As a television news reporter for two decades, I spent my fair share of days panicking people about the threat of bad weather, especially snow. Snow is a green light for zealous reporters to blanket the region with live reports from highways that are not snow covered, but might be soon or from supermarkets packed with customers who fear the forecast will leave them stranded indefinitely with no ability to buy milk, bread and other necessities. Most reporters typically despise this obsessive approach to attracting viewers, but they have no choice. The worker bee must do what is assigned. [Read more…] about Making the moves to go from ordinary to extraordinary